Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
My favourite music
Follow Me Now-Alvin & The Chipmunks/Jason Gleed
Sengoku Basara 2 - Opening
Abingdon schoolboys - Blade chord
You Will Be Under My Wheels
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sengoku Basara 2
Sengoku Basara 2 is the sequel to Sengoku Basara (known outside Japan as Devil Kings), released in Japan on July 27, 2006 for the PlayStation 2. A revision with additional features named Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes was released in November 29, 2007. The character are:
Chousokabe MotochikaDaimyo of Tosa, ShikokuWeapon: Anchor SpearSkills:Tobi - Launches anchor upwards to swing and kickShibari - Raises a rope cage and traps enemiesSeiyuu: Ishino RyuzoSeiyuu also voiced: Chang Wu Fei in Gundam Wing, Gettle Deple in V Gundam
Mouri MotonariDaimyo of Aki, ChugokuWeapon: Ring BladeSkills:Sen no Te 'Hatsu' (Precedence Hand - Emit) - Launches beams from belowHiki Te 'Kabe' (Repellance Hand - Wall) - Creates two circular beam walls which bounce enemies between themSeiyuu: Nakahara ShigeruSeiyuu also voiced: Trowa Barton in Gundam Wing, Kurama Yoko in Yuyu Hakusho
Maeda KeijiKabukimono, adopted nephew of Maeda ToshiieWeapon: Huge SwordSkills:Oshi no Itte (One Hand Push) - Charge, then Air SlashKoitsuzuri - Swings sword like a nunchakuSeiyuu: Morita MasakazuSeiyuu also voiced: Tidus in FFX, Auel Nieder in Gundam SEED Destiny, Pang De in Shin Sangoku Musou
Toyotomi HideyoshiSecond of the Three UnifiersWeapon: Bare HandsSkills:Enbu Gouhaku - Grapples enemy with right hand and slams himKaijin Ranka (Ash Chaos Whirlpool) - Grapples enemy and swings himSeiyuu: Okiayu RyuutarouSeiyuu also voiced: Treize Khushrenada in Gundam Wing, Zero in Rockman X, Dymlos in Tales of Destiny
Takenaka HanbeiThe Zhuge Liang of Sengoku, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's strategistWeapon: Joint SwordSkills:Hanayakani - Hi-speed slash comboAmaku Yawarakani - Attack with a powered-up swordSeiyuu: Ishida AkiraSeiyuu also voiced: Athrun Zala in Gundam SEED, Sabaku no Gaara in Naruto
Miyamoto MusashiMaster Swordsman from HarimaWeapon: Oar & SwordSkills:Nitenichiryu 'Hissatsu Fukuro Dataki' - Combo attackNitenichiryu 'Oku no Te' (Inner Hand) - Throws rocksSeiyuu: Namikawa DaisukeSeiyuu also voiced: Otori Chotaro in Prince of Tennis, Leonard Testarossa in Full Metal Panic 2nd Raid
Date MasamuneOne-eyed Dragon, Daimyo of Mutsu, OushuuWeapon: 1or6 SwordsNew Skills:Crazy Storm - Combo with 4 swords (2 swords on each hand joint ala Cao Pi's swords)Seiyuu: Nakai KazuyaSeiyuu also voiced: Roronoa Zoro in One Piece, Wakka in FFX, Xiahou Dun & Dian Wei in Shin Sangoku Musou, Witts Sue in Gundam X
Sanada YukimuraJapan's Number One Soldier, son of Sanada Masayuki, daimyo of ShinanoWeapon: Two SpearsNew Skills:Koen (Tiger Flame) - Do an uppercutSeiyuu: Hoshi SouichirouSeiyuu also voiced: Kira Yamato in Gundam SEED, Keel Zeibel in Tales of Eternia, Chaos in Xenosaga
Oda NobunagaDaimyo of Owari, First of the Three UnifiersWeapon: Sword & ShotgunNew Skills:Shissou suru Kyouki (Dashing Rapture) - Dash attackSeiyuu: Wakamoto NorioSeiyuu also voiced: Cell in Dragon Ball, Hi-Max in Rockman X6, Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts 2
Uesugi KenshinArmy God, Dragon of EchigoWeapon: Iai LongswordNew Skills:Shin-en (God Swallow) - Aerial slashSeiyuu: Paku RomiSeiyuu also voiced: Loran Cehack in Turn A Gundam, Temari in Naruto, Edward Elric in Full Metal Alchemist
Takeda ShingenMaster of Furinkazan, Tiger of KaiWeapon: Gunbai AxeNew Skills:Ugoku koto Ikazuchi no furuu ga gotoku (Move like the tremble of Thunder) - Pulls out a thunder rockSeiyuu: Genda TesshoSeiyuu also voiced: Umibozu in City Hunter, Gou Daijiro in Voltes V, Taurus Aldebaran in Saint Seiya
Sarutobi SasukeSanada Juyushi - Sanada Yukimura's bodyguard, Kouga ninjaWeapon: ShurikenNew Skills:Kumogakure no Jutsu (Secret Cloud / Disappearance Technique) - Stealth modeSeiyuu: Koyasu TakehitoSeiyuu also voiced: Mwu La Flaga in Gundam SEED, Zechs Marquise in Gundam W, Faust VIII in Shaman King
Maeda ToshiieOda Nobunaga's loyal retainerWeapon: TridentNew Skills:Kakou no Rendan (Crater's Four-hand Performance) - Spits fireSeiyuu: Tsuboi TomohiroSeiyuu also voiced: Kamitsuki Izumo in Naruto
ZabiiLeader of the Far Western new religion sect (Semi-Fictional, based on Catholic missionary Francisco Xavier)Weapon: Two BazookasNew Skills:Kasou are (Cremation, there) - Shoots bazooka down to launch upSeiyuu: Shioya Kouzo Seiyuu also voiced: Buu in Dragon Ball, Borock & Dr. Psyche in Rockman X Command Mission
Akechi MitsuhideGeneral serving Oda Nobunaga, later betrays himWeapon: Two SicklesNew Skills:Inga-teki Ouhou (Karma-like Retribution): Counter-attackSeiyuu: Hayami ShouSeiyuu also voiced: Ginias Sahalin in Gundam 08th Team, Woodrow Kelvin in Tales of Destiny
Shimazu YoshihiroDaimyo of Satsuma, KyushuWeapon: Big SwordNew Skills:Jigenryuu Dangan: Huge downwards electric slashSeiyuu: Ogata KenichiSeiyuu also voiced: Myouga in Inuyasha
Honda TadakatsuThe Zhang Fei of Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu's loyal retainerWeapon: Giant SpearNew Skills:Engo Keitai (Protection Mode): Launches funnelsSeiyuu: N/A(He's a robot)
Chousokabe MotochikaDaimyo of Tosa, ShikokuWeapon: Anchor SpearSkills:Tobi - Launches anchor upwards to swing and kickShibari - Raises a rope cage and traps enemiesSeiyuu: Ishino RyuzoSeiyuu also voiced: Chang Wu Fei in Gundam Wing, Gettle Deple in V Gundam
Mouri MotonariDaimyo of Aki, ChugokuWeapon: Ring BladeSkills:Sen no Te 'Hatsu' (Precedence Hand - Emit) - Launches beams from belowHiki Te 'Kabe' (Repellance Hand - Wall) - Creates two circular beam walls which bounce enemies between themSeiyuu: Nakahara ShigeruSeiyuu also voiced: Trowa Barton in Gundam Wing, Kurama Yoko in Yuyu Hakusho
Maeda KeijiKabukimono, adopted nephew of Maeda ToshiieWeapon: Huge SwordSkills:Oshi no Itte (One Hand Push) - Charge, then Air SlashKoitsuzuri - Swings sword like a nunchakuSeiyuu: Morita MasakazuSeiyuu also voiced: Tidus in FFX, Auel Nieder in Gundam SEED Destiny, Pang De in Shin Sangoku Musou
Toyotomi HideyoshiSecond of the Three UnifiersWeapon: Bare HandsSkills:Enbu Gouhaku - Grapples enemy with right hand and slams himKaijin Ranka (Ash Chaos Whirlpool) - Grapples enemy and swings himSeiyuu: Okiayu RyuutarouSeiyuu also voiced: Treize Khushrenada in Gundam Wing, Zero in Rockman X, Dymlos in Tales of Destiny
Takenaka HanbeiThe Zhuge Liang of Sengoku, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's strategistWeapon: Joint SwordSkills:Hanayakani - Hi-speed slash comboAmaku Yawarakani - Attack with a powered-up swordSeiyuu: Ishida AkiraSeiyuu also voiced: Athrun Zala in Gundam SEED, Sabaku no Gaara in Naruto
Miyamoto MusashiMaster Swordsman from HarimaWeapon: Oar & SwordSkills:Nitenichiryu 'Hissatsu Fukuro Dataki' - Combo attackNitenichiryu 'Oku no Te' (Inner Hand) - Throws rocksSeiyuu: Namikawa DaisukeSeiyuu also voiced: Otori Chotaro in Prince of Tennis, Leonard Testarossa in Full Metal Panic 2nd Raid
Date MasamuneOne-eyed Dragon, Daimyo of Mutsu, OushuuWeapon: 1or6 SwordsNew Skills:Crazy Storm - Combo with 4 swords (2 swords on each hand joint ala Cao Pi's swords)Seiyuu: Nakai KazuyaSeiyuu also voiced: Roronoa Zoro in One Piece, Wakka in FFX, Xiahou Dun & Dian Wei in Shin Sangoku Musou, Witts Sue in Gundam X
Sanada YukimuraJapan's Number One Soldier, son of Sanada Masayuki, daimyo of ShinanoWeapon: Two SpearsNew Skills:Koen (Tiger Flame) - Do an uppercutSeiyuu: Hoshi SouichirouSeiyuu also voiced: Kira Yamato in Gundam SEED, Keel Zeibel in Tales of Eternia, Chaos in Xenosaga
Oda NobunagaDaimyo of Owari, First of the Three UnifiersWeapon: Sword & ShotgunNew Skills:Shissou suru Kyouki (Dashing Rapture) - Dash attackSeiyuu: Wakamoto NorioSeiyuu also voiced: Cell in Dragon Ball, Hi-Max in Rockman X6, Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts 2
Uesugi KenshinArmy God, Dragon of EchigoWeapon: Iai LongswordNew Skills:Shin-en (God Swallow) - Aerial slashSeiyuu: Paku RomiSeiyuu also voiced: Loran Cehack in Turn A Gundam, Temari in Naruto, Edward Elric in Full Metal Alchemist
Takeda ShingenMaster of Furinkazan, Tiger of KaiWeapon: Gunbai AxeNew Skills:Ugoku koto Ikazuchi no furuu ga gotoku (Move like the tremble of Thunder) - Pulls out a thunder rockSeiyuu: Genda TesshoSeiyuu also voiced: Umibozu in City Hunter, Gou Daijiro in Voltes V, Taurus Aldebaran in Saint Seiya
Sarutobi SasukeSanada Juyushi - Sanada Yukimura's bodyguard, Kouga ninjaWeapon: ShurikenNew Skills:Kumogakure no Jutsu (Secret Cloud / Disappearance Technique) - Stealth modeSeiyuu: Koyasu TakehitoSeiyuu also voiced: Mwu La Flaga in Gundam SEED, Zechs Marquise in Gundam W, Faust VIII in Shaman King
Maeda ToshiieOda Nobunaga's loyal retainerWeapon: TridentNew Skills:Kakou no Rendan (Crater's Four-hand Performance) - Spits fireSeiyuu: Tsuboi TomohiroSeiyuu also voiced: Kamitsuki Izumo in Naruto
ZabiiLeader of the Far Western new religion sect (Semi-Fictional, based on Catholic missionary Francisco Xavier)Weapon: Two BazookasNew Skills:Kasou are (Cremation, there) - Shoots bazooka down to launch upSeiyuu: Shioya Kouzo Seiyuu also voiced: Buu in Dragon Ball, Borock & Dr. Psyche in Rockman X Command Mission
Akechi MitsuhideGeneral serving Oda Nobunaga, later betrays himWeapon: Two SicklesNew Skills:Inga-teki Ouhou (Karma-like Retribution): Counter-attackSeiyuu: Hayami ShouSeiyuu also voiced: Ginias Sahalin in Gundam 08th Team, Woodrow Kelvin in Tales of Destiny
Shimazu YoshihiroDaimyo of Satsuma, KyushuWeapon: Big SwordNew Skills:Jigenryuu Dangan: Huge downwards electric slashSeiyuu: Ogata KenichiSeiyuu also voiced: Myouga in Inuyasha
Honda TadakatsuThe Zhang Fei of Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu's loyal retainerWeapon: Giant SpearNew Skills:Engo Keitai (Protection Mode): Launches funnelsSeiyuu: N/A(He's a robot)
My Father’s Profession
My father work as a TV producer. He produces programs, such as Kontak Jodoh and Kasak Kusuk. He also has a website media. Sometimes he works until midnight. He also sometime works in several offices. Sometimes when he has a meeting in the office, he discusses about the content of the program with his staffs. He has run this job for almost ten years. My father also knows a lot of famous persons such as Deddy Corbuzier my father has already known him for about half years. Last time my father took me and my little brother to Deddy Corbuzier house, he was very friendly. I feel happy and proud of my father, because he knows many famous people in Indonesian there fore I can meet a lot of Indonesian celebrities.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
HI Im a 11 year old boy name Abi. Im a boy that like video game such as PSP, PS2, PS3, Wii and many more.
MY favourite game in PS2 are SENGOKU BASARA, GTA (GRAND THEFT AUTO), WARIOR OROCHI 2, DW GUNDAM SPECIAL AND MANY MORE. What I like is toPLAYING Video game, eating junk foods, hearing music, seeing funny and gross stuff in YOU TUBE, AND also prank people. I have friends in my school and they are Ricky, Bowen and Kelvin. I also like to bulid up GUNDAM MODEL, Because it's fun. MY favourite channel on Tv are MTV, Animax, starworld, and disney channel. MY favourite movie are HELLBOY II AND THE GOLDEN ARMY, BATMAN THE DARK NIGHT, SUPERHERO MOVIE, AND MANY MORE. AND THATS ALL ABOUT ME.
MY favourite game in PS2 are SENGOKU BASARA, GTA (GRAND THEFT AUTO), WARIOR OROCHI 2, DW GUNDAM SPECIAL AND MANY MORE. What I like is toPLAYING Video game, eating junk foods, hearing music, seeing funny and gross stuff in YOU TUBE, AND also prank people. I have friends in my school and they are Ricky, Bowen and Kelvin. I also like to bulid up GUNDAM MODEL, Because it's fun. MY favourite channel on Tv are MTV, Animax, starworld, and disney channel. MY favourite movie are HELLBOY II AND THE GOLDEN ARMY, BATMAN THE DARK NIGHT, SUPERHERO MOVIE, AND MANY MORE. AND THATS ALL ABOUT ME.
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